Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Three pretty awesome things about me....

1. I am a New Yorker, born and raised.
2. I love riding horses and have been doing so for years.
3. I will be student teaching in August in Belmopan, Belize.


  1. Hiya Sam!
    My b/f is also from NYC, although he has lost much of his accent. Do you also say "melk" instead of "milk"? just wondering.... ha!

  2. Belize! Amazing. I have a friend who has spent time there. What will you be teaching?

  3. Belize sounds great. New York is next on my list of places to go though. I have never been and I think that every other American has. I hate the Yankees though and if you take Lebron James away from the Cavs... There is going to be a strong amount of hate for NYC.
